My time at Bradshaw has been very enjoyable. I can remember meeting my best mate Jacob and he is still my best friend now. When we moved in to key stage 2 we got a new Headteacher because Mr Whimpeny, the deputy head retired and Mr Plant, the Headteacher, retired at the same time. When our new Headteacher Mr Short came in, he set up the blog. Also when we started year 3 we had our first ever male teacher Mr Bickerstaff which was also exciting. In year 4 we we went to Fox Howl and it was the first ever time we had gone away with our class and it was brilliant. In year 5 we had Mr Bickerstaff again and we went to Liverpool for a trip which was fun. After it was year 6 and we had SATS, but don’t worry, they are easier than you think. Then came PGL, which was  amazing, especially the giant swing, which I would recommend!

From Nathan Seed Y6

To all the people at Bradshaw CP school, enjoy the rest of you time here!

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