We will be sending out a petition later in the week asking for you to help with an issue that has a big impact on your children. As it stands there is a wide variance in the amount of money schools get for each pupil. Warrington is the 10th lowest funded authority in England, our funding is 11% below the average and 51% below the highest. In real terms, if we received the average amount we would have approximately £81,000 more in our budget to spend on the children. If we were the highest funded this would become approximately £400,000. So there are schools in England, the same size as Bradshaw, that are receiving that much more just because of where they are.

Therefore we need you support to ensure that the pledge given by the government before the election, to ensure that there is a fairer funding system, is carried out.  Please look out for the letter later this week and get as many signatures to support the campaign as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

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