Year 3 PE and Maths.

Well, what a busy week we have had so far in our first week back. Here are a few pics of our cricket lessons and Maths.

We have been learning some rules of cricket, worked on our batting (making sure we have our hands the right way round, hitting with the flat side of the bat and keeping our eyes on the ball) and fielding skills (low barrier) and had great fun.

Maths has been about angles and directions. We started off inside, in the classroom and corridor, looked at a map and then moved to outdoor activities which has helped us already. Well done everyone 👌

Year 3 – Den building day 😀

WOW! BRILLIANT! BEST DAY EVER! These are just a few things the children said at the end of a fabulous day with Chris today.

Chris showed us all the equipment, showed us how to use it safely, talked about team work and basically let us use our own minds to make our great dens and WOW – WE WERE AWESOME! The communication, concentration and team work was amazing. The leadership and listening skills used were also BRILLIANT!

After constructing our frame with the bamboo sticks and zip ties we then moved on to putting on the roof of our den. Again, we were great, using team work to make our den the best it could be.

After lunch, we had a bit of time to make any changes and to fix our structures (as the wind had been stronger over lunchtime) AND THEN . . . the ‘storm’ came (aka the leave blowers and buckets of water!)

Which shelters kept us dry and which didn’t?

More photos (and hopefully videos) to follow soon.